The Torah of Beth Am:

Honoring Our Past, Inspiring Our Future, Living Our Values.

Opening Weekend

Scribing Sessions and TorahFest

Sunday, December 15 - Monday, December 16, 2024

Scribing Sessions and TorahFest

Sunday, December 15th | 1:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Celebrate what is commonly known as the 613th mitzvah, the writing of a Sefer Torah.

We’ll write the first letters of our Sefer Torah and enjoy fun family activities that will help us explore Torah-related skills and the Torah itself. Practice scribing using a quill and ink, and participate in a special art project that we will create as a community to express our values. We’ll begin the creation of a B’nei Mitzvah scroll where each member of our community can record and illustrate their b’nei mitzvah portion. Take home mementos to commemorate this special experience.

A note to Discovery Lab families: Save the Date – the morning of February 23, 2025 will be reserved for scribing sessions for Lab Students and their families.

Scribing Sessions and TorahFest

Monday, December 16th | 9:30 am – 9:00 pm

Write a letter in Beth Am’s new Sefer Torah. Scribing sessions will be available in the morning for home-bound congregants.