Friday, February 7th | 10 Shevat
5:45 PM | Shabbat is Awesome!
Saturday, February 8th | 10 Shevat
9:30 AM | Kesher Shabbat Morning Services
Live stream all services here.
Saturday, February 8th | 10 Shevat
8:45 AM | Hybrid Torah Study led in Rav Daniel’s Study and Zoom. Click here to join the Zoom.
Shabbat is Awesome | First Fridays | 5:45 PM | Beit Midrash | RSVP HERE for 02/07
A joyful Shabbat service for young kids and their families led by Rav Tyler and Rav Daniel.
Klei Kodesh | Second Fridays | 6 PM | RSVP HERE for 02/14
Join us for Klei Kodesh, Beth Am’s instrumental Kabbalat Shabbat experience led Rav Daniel, Rav Tyler, and Uncle Ira’s Hebrew Washboard Ensemble in the Beit Midrash! Dinner will follow services.
BAYITT Shabbat | Third Fridays | 6 PM | RSVP for 02/21
BAYITT, Beth Am’s group for young adults (21-39), gathers for Kabbalat Shabbat services led by Rav Tyler once a month. These are held at Beth Am or a participant’s home with a potluck or catered dinner.