Friday, September 6th | 4 Elul 5784
End of Summer BBQ + Klei Kodesh Services | Courtyard*
We’ll fire up the grill and gather for a farewell-to-summer BBQ and Klei Kodesh Services! Sign up to volunteer to prep food, grill, or welcome guests!
5 PM | New Member gathering (RSVP HERE)
5:45PM | Taste of Shabbat is Awesome!
6 PM | End of Summer BBQ
7 PM | Klei Kodesh Services
*weather permitting
Saturday, September 7th | 4 Elul 5784
9:30 AM | Recovery Shabbat Morning Services in the Beth Am Sanctuary
Our community is joining with Our Jewish Recovery to raise awareness about the impacts of addiction in the Jewish community. At services, we’ll discuss why the Jewish community hasn’t spent much time addressing addiction, how Our Jewish Recovery is helping provide healing to so many of our people and provide resources and healing opportunities for everyone impacted. We hope you’ll join us for an important and special service. Stream Services here!
9:30 AM | Shabbat Morning Movement in Rooms Aleph/Bet
Wake up your body & center your mind with Shabbat morning yoga movement with Elisheva Pront, a certified yoga instructor and our awesome High Holy Day office temp! Come in comfortable attire, mats are provided. Join us after in the sanctuary for Shabbat morning services, followed by kiddush lunch.
10:00 AM | Jr Discovery Lab (Ages 2 -5) in the Moadon.
11:00 AM | Shabbat Yachad (birth to 5 years old) in the Moadon.
Sunday, September 1st | 28 Av 5784
8:30 AM | DIY Torah Study – For the summer, DIY Torah Study will take place on Sunday mornings at 8:30 AM. We will resume the hybrid schedule after Simchat Torah. Click here for the NEW Torah Study Zoom link
Sunday, September 8th | 4:30 PM | Screams Before Silence Screening and Panel Discussion | Har Sinai-Oheb Shalom Congregation | Screams Before Silence contains accounts of sexual violence against women. We encourage you to take care of your mental and emotional health; a mental health professional will be on-site, and attendees are welcome to exit the room at any time.
Sunday, September 15th
12:30 PM | Rainbow Circle Picnic in Druid Hill Park
1 PM | Film Fanatics Circle | Email Susannah to RSVP.
Sunday, September 22nd | 10 AM | Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment Program | Chizuk Amuno
Shabbat is Awesome | First Fridays | 5:45 PM | Beit Midrash | Shabbat is Awesome will pause during the summer. Shabbat is Awesome will return Friday, September 6th before our End of the Summer BBQ!
A joyful Shabbat service for young kids and their families led by Rav Tyler and Rav Daniel.
Shabbat Morning Movement | First Saturdays | 9:30 AM | Rooms Aleph/Bet | Next Meeting: August 3rd
Beth Am’s own Jane Berg, a certified yoga instructor, will guide you through a mindful Shabbat yoga practice. Upcoming dates: 9/07
Klei Kodesh | Second Fridays | 6 PM
Join us for Klei Kodesh, Beth Am’s instrumental Kabbalat Shabbat experience led Rav Daniel, Rav Tyler, and Uncle Ira’s Hebrew Washboard Ensemble in the Beit Midrash! Dinner will follow services.
BAYITT Shabbat | Third Fridays | 6 PM
There will be no BAYITT Shabbat in August. Please join us for a special Shabbat with MHPOD Baltimore and BOLT on September 13th! RSVP Here.
BAYITT, Beth Am’s group for young adults (21-39), gathers for Kabbalat Shabbat services led by Rav Tyler once a month. These are held at Beth Am or a participant’s home with a potluck or catered dinner. Upcoming dates: 9/13
Join us for a summer of meaningful spiritual connection and community engagement!
Pride Shabbat | Friday, June 14th | 5 – 8:30 PM | Beth Am Synagogue
Services in the Park | Fridays, July 12th & August 16th | 6 PM | Waterfowl Pavilion at the Baltimore Zoo
End of Summer BBQ & Klei Kodesh Services | Friday, September 6th | 6 PM | Courtyard*