Celebrate Shabbat

Celebrate Shabbat

For thousands of years Shabbat has offered the Jewish people the opportunity to come together as a community to reconnect with ourselves, our tradition and each other. Beth Am offers several avenues to enhance the Shabbat experience.

Shabbat Morning Services

Shabbat morning services are held every Saturday throughout the year in our historic sanctuary or our renovated modern Beit Midrash. They begin at 9:30 and are followed by a congregational kiddush luncheon. All are welcome to attend. Throughout the year, families celebrate Bnei Mitzvah simchas during the Shabbat service.

Our building is bustling with energetic children on Shabbat morning! Younger children march in the Torah parade; older ones receive the honor of reciting certain prayers from the Bimah and children of all ages are invited to lead the congregation in song. Our programs in the building allow for children from infants to 5th graders to engage and participate in age-appropriate ways, and children are always welcome at Services any time.

Kesher Services – Kesher means connection.  Several times each month we congregate in the welcoming and casual space of our social hall, Beit Midrash. where we turn the D’var Torah into an engaging discussion.

Shabbat Yachad – Our goal is to engage children and their grown-ups in meaningful experiences on Shabbat that lay the foundation for a lifelong connection to Judaism and love of Torah. Shabbat Yachad combines familiar children’s Shabbat songs with age-appropriate sensory experiences for newborns to kindergartners.

Childcare – Childcare is provided every Shabbat, for children 2 years to 5 years old. It begins at 10 am, with a snack at 10:30 am, followed by Shabbat Yachad at approximately 11 am when scheduled.

Kids Kahal – Beth Am provides a youth service for children in lower grades during the Shabbat Service, around 11 am. Students, led by Rabbi Faith Cantor, explore the week’s Torah portion, then return to the main service.

Shabbat Lunch – Following the Shabbat service, congregants gather for a full dairy lunch (with vegan and gluten-free options) and the opportunity to socialize. Visitors to services are welcome to join and meet members of the congregation.

Kabbalat Shabbat Services

Klei Kodesh – We welcome Shabbat with music and song at our once-monthly Friday evening Klei Kodesh services. These services are ideal for families and the congregation to celebrate Shabbat together and are paired with a dinner, either catered or bring your own dinner.

“Shabbat is Awesome!”– These Friday evening Shabbat services are designed for families with young children, with music and song, followed by a dairy dinner.

BAYITT Shabbat – Services led by Rav Tyler followed by a catered or potluck dinner for Jewish younf adults (21 – 40). 

Services in the Park (Summer) – On select Fridays in the Summer, enjoy Kabbalat Shabbat with friends with food, fun, and schmoozing at an outdoor space near the shul. Pack a picnic, invite family and friends! RSVP encouraged; all are welcome.