I’m New Here

I’m New Here

Beth Am is an urban, egalitarian synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Our weekly Shabbat services are held on Saturday mornings and are led by Rabbi Daniel Cotzin Burg and Rabbi Tyler Dratch. We also hold monthly Friday night services that feature a live band, youth participation, and congregational singing, and services to celebrate all major Jewish holidays.

As a warm, child-friendly, diverse congregation, we welcome interfaith families, Jews of Color, and members of the LGBTQ community.

Our Jewish Discovery Lab offers children a fun environment for exploring Jewish customs and learning Hebrew. Classes are held weekly, on Sunday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. For post B’nai Mitzvah students, Kadima and USY youth groups offer opportunities for service and fellowship.

Located in Baltimore City, Beth Am works closely with our neighbors to be an effective anchor institution in our Reservoir Hill neighborhood, and Beth Am congregants demonstrate their commitment to justice in our city, nation, and world through numerous activities and partnerships.

The main entrance to the synagogue faces Chauncey Avenue. A parking lot is located on Brooks Lane, one block from the building entrance. Limited on-street parking is also available.

Learn more about our Mission and Values HERE.

Learn more about our Services HERE.

Learn more about upcoming programming HERE.

Join our newsletter list HERE.

Directions and map to Beth Am can be seen here

Learn more about Beth Am in general, attending a service, or joining Beth Am, by submitting a Contact Request form to either Membership Inquiries or Executive Director.